where I've come from.
where I've been.
where I'm going.
The sunset on Sunday morning. West side of Whidbey. East of beauty. Surrounded by silence in the form of crashing waves and silly birds. Bundled in a chill of fresh air from the straight. Waves reflecting lights on the screen of trees beyond the beach.
in essence: a new masterpeice from Heaven.
my digi. the nikon 995. there are many happy things in the world and this is one of them... or maybe.. this in my hands is one of them.
I had a crazy good weekend at Whidbey Island with my church... kind of surprised myself actually. Saturday night Pastor Jeff opened the floor for the congregation to share their hopes for the future for the church, the world, or for themselves. Many adults stood and then I watched as the bulk of my old youth group each got up at different moments to be real before our church family. Autumn, Josh, Anthony (yes, Anthony), and myself all stood up before the adults that had watched us grow physically and spiritually. They watched Josh's hair get short then really long then short again. They watched me shoot up from 4 feet to 5'10''. They watched Anthony and Autumn's relationship blossom from a childish crush to a devoted marriage. Looking back, it almost feels like we were presenting ourselves before them, showing them the fruits of their labor; showing them how God has worked in our lives... and oh boy! God has done amazing things in these friends and the adults in my church.
People actually went up before the 60-70 present and poured out their hearts.. shattered them before the family. Several people cried, another man asked for acceptance for his family, a woman admitted to being the hole in the blanket of the church (she wasn't the only hole). I was amazed. This was so contradictory to my norm. The thought of being broken before others--exposed, letting them see your weaknesses-- is foreign to me and I am freakin' scarred of it. But when the Spirit moved I found myself jumping off the picnic table I was standing on and skipping my way up to the pyrex dish full of tea candles. I lit the candle symbolizing my hopes, and proceeded to share things I hadn't even told my Dad to the whole church:
A lesson learned: God's way isn't always the easy way. Sometimes you have to take the path that brings tears.
A hope for my family to be unified at home and in the church.
A prayer for my generation to rise up and fill the gaps being left by legends like Billy Graham.
A prayer that we would be so passionate and spark little fires in all those we come in contact with.
I never wanted to recognize that my family has its own issues... and I never wanted to tell anyone that I knew. Then I told my whole church, and now I'm telling you. Please pray for us.
The campout was wonderful. I reestablished some friendships that had faded during my stay in Canada and I made some new friends. We camped next to the Plate's, an older couple in the church, and had a grand ol' time joking around with them. The beautiful thing about their relationship: they still hold hands and talk about "neckin'" in the back seat. I also talked with Rollin Walton and found out that he and his father-in-law were two of the three people who prayed over and dedicated the land that is now Trinity Western University. They were instrumental in its development. I am so thankful for them! Karen Plate, myself, and a newer lady in the church, Peitra, also had a nice talk about Mormons, Jehovas Witnesses, and Lithuania (not neccesarily in connection with eachother ;-). And then frisbee in the middle of the night with Josh and Jessica was hilarious.
Sunday afternoon I was still shocked at what God had led me to do the night before. I walked along the beach staring at the sand looking for glass (inspired by my art teacher to make something crazy with the wave beaten peices), toasting in the sun, and just loving the alone time with God and the beach. I found my first peice of glass and continued walking while stroking it with my fingers. I didn't find any glass for a while then asked myself the fateful question: what can I learn about Jesus from this? Then I felt the Spirit leading me to drop the peice of glass and leave it behind. Through this one act of trust and devotion, greater would be my reward. There was a verse running through my head but I forget it at the moment. Anyway... after much hesitation and trying to avoid the subject I finally succumbed and left the peice of glass fall from my hands and I walked for many minutes glass-less and wondering if such a trivial thing was necessary. Then I found another peice of glass... and another... and another... all in all I left the beach with 5 peices instead of the one I had at the start. God is faithful and will do what He says. That's what I learned about Jesus. It was more of a life application than a new topic.
I heard the sweetest comment on Sunday too: my Dad and I went to a small farmer's market down the hwy from South Whidbey State Park next to a large loganberry farm. A couple walked out of the wine tasting room laughing. The woman turned to the man and said, "What a day to be with you!"
In other news:
I babysat again today... 8.5 hours before heading off to Everett to work another 4. I took the kids to a park in Maltby. Micah wanted to swing, as did I, so I put him on my lap spider style and watched his face glow with excitement as we soared through the air. His giggles were enchanting. A priceless shot: a child laughing--wind blowing in his hair--beautiful blue sky as the backdrop. God blessed me with that moment today.
Laura Morus got hired at Wells Fargo! yay!! And turns out, she and my boss go to the same church, which means: yay! my boss is saved!! I can't decide if I am happier that Laura will be working with me or that I know my boss is going to Heaven with me someday.... now to continue trying to live a bright life for my coworkers.... I keep falling there.
enough said. I need some Jesus time. :-D
love from the Highest,